Wednesday 10 July 2013

QSB1524 Construction Technology 2

Construction Technology 2 is the continuing subject of Construction Technology 1. In CT2, the topics covered include basement temporary support system, piled foundation, scaffolding, trench shoring system, underpinning, partition wall, suspended ceiling, portal frame, precast concrete and steel frame building.

The assignment for CT2 required us to conduct site visit to the construction site and produce a case study report which is related to one of the topic learnt in CT2. Hence, we had conducted site visit to two construction site, i-SOHO and D'Latour which located at i-City, Shah Alam and next to Taylor's University repectively.

i-SOHO project

D'Latour project

We do learnt alot by having site visit to the construction site as the project manager and engineers are nice and willing to share with us the on site practice at construction site. Besides, they also shared some experiences and problems we may faced when we work in the construction industry in the future.

Casing that will be driven into the subsoil

Boring of subsoil

Reinforcement used in bored piled foundation

Load test for pile

PDA test for the pile


Pile with starter bars

Pile cap with timber formwork

Unconcreted pile cap with stump reinforcement

Dewatering pump

Group photo of site visit to D'Latour with the project manager, Mr. Shahbuddin

Group photo of site visit to D'Latour with the residential engineer Mr. Chan

QSB1124 Measurement 2

Measurement is the core subject for a Quantity Surveying student where we learn how to measure and calculate the quantity need for a building, in technical term, the taking off of a building.

In Measurement 2, the topic covered include piling, timber flooring, partition wall, staircase structure and finishes, wall elements and finishes, floor finishes as well as ceiling finishes.

However, Measurement 2 is differ with other subjects where there are two lecturers teach us for this subject. I am having hard time to adapt the dual-lecturers teaching method due to different in ways of conveying information even though the lecturers are giving lectures in different topic. 

Besides, Measurement 2 is much more difficult than Measurement 1 as we are now starts to measured and calculate for  finishes of the building where the description for finishes in taking off is quite difficult to memorise and apply when doing tutorial questions and during test.

Tuesday 9 July 2013

QSB1714 Building Services 1

The syllabus of Building Services 1 comprises of some services found within a building such as ventilation, storm water treatment, waste water treatment, telecommunication as well as hot water and cold water system. 

I acquired the basic knowledge on installation, operating mechanism and material used for the respective topics mentioned above. For example, cold water system of a building can be differentiated into direct system (which water enter the building and flow out through the piping openings) and indirect system (which water had to flow into water basin before discharged from the piping openings).

Moreover, we are also given an assignment to conduct a case study toward the topics covered throughout the semester. Group with six members are formed and our group had chose "Sustainable Wastewater Treatment" as our topic for the case study. Owing to this, we visited the wastewater treatment plant of Indah Water Konsortium located at Pantai Dalam, Kuala Lumpur. 

Indah Water Konsortium
[Malaysia National Wastewater Treatment Company]

The Group photo of site visit to Indah Water wastewater treatment plant.

After visiting the wastewater treatment plant, we had a better understanding toward the overview of wastewater treatment process in Malaysia as well as equipment and technologies used. Moreover, I also realised on the importance to have a proper wastewater treatment and how it impacts to our body health. 

In the end of our assignment, we had produced a report as well as a short video clip regarding our findings from the case study.

Sunday 7 July 2013

QSB1813 Site Surveying

The subject, Site Surveying had provided me a chance to learn the basic knowledge of a land surveying. Besides attending lecture in the class, students are also required to carry out two fieldworks which contributed to their final grade.

The fieldworks that had been carried out throughout the semester are levelling and traversing. Students are divided into group of four members during fieldwork.

Our group photo~ Starting from left to right: Myself, Schani, Shi Yi & Chek Lung
Solo Time~ XD

Levelling is where surveyors determine the elevation of points, using other known points (benchmark) as references. The basic equipments used in levelling include auto level meter, tripod, plumb bob and levelling stuff.

Meanwhile, traversing is type of survey in which a number of connected survey lines form a polygon and the directions and lengths of the survey lines are measured with the help of an angle measuring instrument and a tape. During our fieldwork, we were using auto level meter and measuring tape as our measuring instrument.

Auto level meter along with the tripod that used in both fieldworks~

A closer look at the auto level meter

Here comes the plumb bob. It helps to make sure the
instrument is stand vertically straight.
And lastly, the ranging rod used in traversing. It helps to
identify the point of an polygon.

The QS Activities

Besides attending lecture and tutorial, I do attend and took part in some of the QS activities~~~~

For example.....

The orientation activities for semester 1 students~~!!!!!!
My friends and I joined as student helpers to lead our junior in playing the orientation games.

Before game starts, lets have a short discussion~

Two seniors tried to solve the question for junior. XD
Having hard time in solving questions????
Before dismiss, let's snap a group photo~~

Besides orientation activities, I also worked as student helper in a major event.....

the RICS RISM AALSM ISCU 2013 that held in Taylor's University 

The big banner of the event
I am in charged in the games booth for the first day
Here is the game we in charged of....
 "Loop of the Ring"

Setting up of the booth
Continue setting up~~ lol

Team members of "Loop of the Ring"
From left to right: Myself, Hui Joo, Julius & Sin Nee
-The game prize-

Have a try on the game~ Quite hard actually.... >.<
I am in charged as a technician on the second day

Here are some photos taken during the events:

And last, the group photo of all student helpers with the lecturers~