Tuesday 9 July 2013

QSB1714 Building Services 1

The syllabus of Building Services 1 comprises of some services found within a building such as ventilation, storm water treatment, waste water treatment, telecommunication as well as hot water and cold water system. 

I acquired the basic knowledge on installation, operating mechanism and material used for the respective topics mentioned above. For example, cold water system of a building can be differentiated into direct system (which water enter the building and flow out through the piping openings) and indirect system (which water had to flow into water basin before discharged from the piping openings).

Moreover, we are also given an assignment to conduct a case study toward the topics covered throughout the semester. Group with six members are formed and our group had chose "Sustainable Wastewater Treatment" as our topic for the case study. Owing to this, we visited the wastewater treatment plant of Indah Water Konsortium located at Pantai Dalam, Kuala Lumpur. 

Indah Water Konsortium
[Malaysia National Wastewater Treatment Company]

The Group photo of site visit to Indah Water wastewater treatment plant.

After visiting the wastewater treatment plant, we had a better understanding toward the overview of wastewater treatment process in Malaysia as well as equipment and technologies used. Moreover, I also realised on the importance to have a proper wastewater treatment and how it impacts to our body health. 

In the end of our assignment, we had produced a report as well as a short video clip regarding our findings from the case study.


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