Sunday 7 July 2013

QSB1813 Site Surveying

The subject, Site Surveying had provided me a chance to learn the basic knowledge of a land surveying. Besides attending lecture in the class, students are also required to carry out two fieldworks which contributed to their final grade.

The fieldworks that had been carried out throughout the semester are levelling and traversing. Students are divided into group of four members during fieldwork.

Our group photo~ Starting from left to right: Myself, Schani, Shi Yi & Chek Lung
Solo Time~ XD

Levelling is where surveyors determine the elevation of points, using other known points (benchmark) as references. The basic equipments used in levelling include auto level meter, tripod, plumb bob and levelling stuff.

Meanwhile, traversing is type of survey in which a number of connected survey lines form a polygon and the directions and lengths of the survey lines are measured with the help of an angle measuring instrument and a tape. During our fieldwork, we were using auto level meter and measuring tape as our measuring instrument.

Auto level meter along with the tripod that used in both fieldworks~

A closer look at the auto level meter

Here comes the plumb bob. It helps to make sure the
instrument is stand vertically straight.
And lastly, the ranging rod used in traversing. It helps to
identify the point of an polygon.


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