Sunday 7 July 2013

The QS Activities

Besides attending lecture and tutorial, I do attend and took part in some of the QS activities~~~~

For example.....

The orientation activities for semester 1 students~~!!!!!!
My friends and I joined as student helpers to lead our junior in playing the orientation games.

Before game starts, lets have a short discussion~

Two seniors tried to solve the question for junior. XD
Having hard time in solving questions????
Before dismiss, let's snap a group photo~~

Besides orientation activities, I also worked as student helper in a major event.....

the RICS RISM AALSM ISCU 2013 that held in Taylor's University 

The big banner of the event
I am in charged in the games booth for the first day
Here is the game we in charged of....
 "Loop of the Ring"

Setting up of the booth
Continue setting up~~ lol

Team members of "Loop of the Ring"
From left to right: Myself, Hui Joo, Julius & Sin Nee
-The game prize-

Have a try on the game~ Quite hard actually.... >.<
I am in charged as a technician on the second day

Here are some photos taken during the events:

And last, the group photo of all student helpers with the lecturers~


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